My Dear Clients,
I hope everyone is safe and dealing with our new reality as best as can be expected. It seems we still have a ways to go before we are able to resume salon appointments in NYC, but I wanted to share with you some of the ways I am preparing for that eventual date.
While it’s still unclear what the new requirements will be for NYC Hair Salons to resume services, I’m watching Germany, the leaders of health and safety in our industry; I’m watching Georgia, Florida and other states to see what can be learned through their reopening efforts; I’m listening daily to the scientists and experts to follow along as their understanding of this situation evolves. One thing is certain as we all adjust to the new unknown normal, extra precautions will have to be taken. To start, my husband Jeff and I have both gotten certified with an Infection Control course, updated with information specific to Covid-19 and Hair Salons. We are staying up to date with protocols and procedures to help keep us all healthy in these new times.
We learned a lot from the certification course. Fortunately, being a single employee hair salon, I am already a one-on-one, appointment-only business. So in that regard, not only am I starting from a safer establishment than most, the adjustments I’m making to my procedures to maximize health and safety standards should hopefully have a minimal impact to your next salon experience.
That being said, when it comes time to reopen, all appointments will likely need to be a one-on-one appointment. No guests will be allowed to accompany you in the salon during your appointment to limit exposure to the environment and everyone involved. Additionally, I‘ll ask that you please try to limit the belongings you bring to the appointment. We will both very likely need to wear masks during the appointment, I may be required to wear a face shield, and I’m learning daily about what other protective gowns and equipment might be required to keep us all safe. Some of the eco friendly practices of the salon will have to take a backseat to our new sanitation procedures. We will likely need to utilize more single use plastics and paper products, though I am trying to hold on to both ideals whenever it’s safe to do so.
I will very likely take contactless temperatures before each appointment. Though I understand that the efficacy of fever as an indicator of infection is still debated, I’ve procured a Laser Infrared Thermometer Gun none the less, and I am prepared for it. Before this great lockdown started, we had already begun regular steam cleans of salon surfaces, and we continue to do so while we’re in and out to make the video tutorials and pickup kits. We’re also exploring various large scale disinfection methods to utilize between each appointment and overnight, like powerful sanitizing UVC germicide lightbulbs that can disinfect every surface of the salon (and the air inside it) in about 30 minutes- with no harmful chemicals or residue.
Even with every precaution imaginable, some salon services may be mandated too difficult to achieve in a safe way and may have to be temporarily discontinued. Some southern salons have eliminated all blowdry services because it’s unknown how it effects germ spread- I’m watching this closely. I will still sell Lipsense lipstick and Color Wow root concealers, but I’ve removed the testing stations and I am also discontinuing all wax services. As information, antibody testing and possible treatment options become available, we will of course continue to reassess all of this and adjust accordingly to provide the safest and most enjoyable experience as soon as we’re able to do so.
As yet, we still don’t have a date from our governor nor the scientists about when we may reopen the salon. Until we have more concrete information we will unfortunately need to cancel all in salon appointments through May 31. Whenever we get the green light I will send out an email notice and we can start to reschedule everyone’s appointments.
On the bright side, until we can safely return to salon based services, I am offering hair color pick up kits to help blend grays, or tone faded color or brassy highlights. If you have questions about Pick Up Kits, please let me know. If you’re too far away for a pick up kit and want advice about mail order color solutions I can help with that, too. If you have any other hair questions, I’m available for online zoom consultations and creative hair problem solving. Separately from hair concerns, I’d love to know how you are doing personally with the situation. Please know that I am here for you and feel free to reach out to me in whatever way is convenient for you. One thing I love hearing about is the lemonade that’s made from these lemons we’ve been dealt. Is there any silver lining you’ve managed to find from your particular covid situation? Have you read a book you normally wouldn’t have? Started a garden you previously didn’t have time for? What sort of silver linings, if any, has this situation offered you? Email, call, text, or "DM" me your silver lining stories.
I can’t wait to visit with you at the salon when it’s safe to do so. Each and every day I search for the answers on when that will be and indicators that this is ending. While I can’t help feeling a little lost on how exactly NYC will reopen, with every day that passes I know that we are one day closer to it- and one day stronger for it. I'll be ready for you when we get there.
Until that day arrives, while we’re apart, I’m right here by your side if you need me.
